Bob Neir Video Eulogy

On October 24th and a week after turning 90, my grandfather passed away. For two months thereafter, I worked on a video eulogy to celebrate his life. I interviewed people he knew while he worked at Boeing, while he served on the Kirkland City Council, as the Chairman of King County Metro Transit, and close friends. The stories they shared were priceless and plentiful. Too plentiful in fact, as I had to somehow condense 4 hours of interview footage into a 15-20 minute video.

In addition to those interviews, I was able to utilize what I had done 12 years ago when I captured both my grandfather and grandmother tell their life story. A friend and former council member describes him well, “When I think of Bob, I see him with a twinkle in his eye, a smile on his face, and a story to tell. He was one of a kind.” Thank you Grandpa. Thank you for everything you did for your community, friends, family, and me. Your impact is immeasurable. And we’ll always be smiling because of it.